Thursday 23 May 2013

#114 Ring O' Bells, Christleton, Cheshire : 2005 to 2012

The first time we visited Christleton on the outskirts of Chester we never got beyond the Old Trooper (#090) which is right by the canal. Next time we stopped there was a lunchtime and we decided to investigate the village further. Christleton is a very pretty village and we were pleasantly surprised to find the Ring O'Bells.
This was on Saturday 27th August 2005 and, as I recall, we had a very pleasant lunchtime stop there. In those days it was a fairly upmarket pub that did good food.

We weren't back in the locale for quite a few years and what a transformation!
This was again a lunchtime stop on Wednesday 11th April 2012. Although the picture is from the other side it is very obvious that the Ring O' Bells has been extensively redeveloped. It is now more of a restaurant than a pub, but the food was good and it was reasonably busy for a Wednesday lunchtime.

On the website, this is how they describe it - "In a nutshell Ring O’ Bells is a welcoming Cheshire pub combining high class food with the finest wines and beers". But, to my mind, if you can reserve a table it is no longer a pub!

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