Tuesday, 7 January 2014

#136 Hope & Anchor, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire - 1987 to 2013

The Hope & Anchor can be found slightly off the beaten track in Stourport. This is a great little document to help find this and many of the other pubs in the town. 

My first visit to Stourport was on the evening of Monday 6th July 1987 as documented elsewhere in this blog. We did quite a pub crawl around the town and this picture demonstrates the whole raison d'etre for taking these photos.
I have no recollection of what the pub was like and the only reason I know I went there is this photo!

We were back again on the evening of Tuesday 1st June 1999 and we did another pub crawl around the town.
From the outside there doesn't look to have been many changes and inside...? I still don't have any recollection from this visit, either!

So, we move onto the most recent visit.
This was on the evening of Thursday 16th May 2013 when our journey had come to a premature conclusion because the River Severn was closed to navigation. This left us with plenty of time for another pub crawl around Stourport. From the outside, it looks to be well decorated, but inside it wasn't good. The 'For Sale' sign should have been a clue and explains why the inside was in a state of general neglect.

I wouldn't be surprised, next time we're in Stourport, to find that the Hope & Anchor is no more, especially as the town has so many more appealing pubs in better locations. It is always sad (to me anyway!) when a pub closes down, but as neither me nor my travelling companion could remember whether we'd ever been there, it probably won't be a great loss.


  1. It's changed hands several times recently and is currently being refurbished by the same guy who has ressurected the long-closed Swan at the top of Stourport. :)

    1. Do you know anything about the original owners, Alan and Diane? My dad used to be good friends with them.
