Monday, 7 October 2019

#265 The Wheatsheaf, Banbury, Oxon : 1998 to 2019

This pub is one to file away under..."What? Really? We've Never Been Here Before!"

And I'm going to break with a tradition that I've maintained over the years I've been doing this blog...I'm going to give you the 'Now' picture first!

It was lunchtime on Saturday 27th July 2019 and we were slightly lost, trying to find Ye Olde Reindeer. It was a number of years since we'd been to Banbury and we couldn't get our bearings having ventured through the Castle Quay Shopping Centre. We were getting a bit thirsty, saw The Wheatsheaf and went inside.
Not a particularly inspiring place; a typical back-street town boozer decorated inside in 'music venue black'. Neither I nor my fellow traveller believed that we'd ever been here before. I didn't give it another thought until I'd returned home and was going through my old pictures looking for candidates for the blog. This is what I discovered.

Obviously the same pub although the exterior decoration has been completely changed over the past 21 years. Checking back through the old logs, we were in Banbury on the evening of Monday 7th September 1998 when we'd obviously done a bit of a pub crawl.

This vindicates my whole raison d'etre for taking these pictures, but it is still frustrating to have forgotten whole pubs!

At least it is good to see that it is surviving and found it's own niche!


  1. Yes, the layout of the streets in Banbury running between the market place and the main road (former A41) is rather disorienting.

    1. Yes, that and the fact we hadn't been there for 15 years!

  2. If you keep changing the rules on your blog I may need to discuss a possible ban with the blogging board of control �� proper looking pub

    1. Rules is made to be broken!
      But, I'll try harder next time, sir (touches forelock in obeyance!)!
