Friday, 12 February 2021

#066 The Mercat, Digbeth, Birmingham : 1998 to 2021 (RIP)

 Following on from the architecturally attractive Market Tavern we move on to the somewhat less beautiful, brutalist Mercat Bar & Grill (formerly The Mercat Cross). As part of the Birmingham Wholesale Markets complex it had a healthy trade, back in the day, but when I first came along with my camera I think its best days had passed. Here's what I wrote in 2011: -

"I'm pretty sure I've never been in The Mercat or The Mercat Cross as it was known when I was a student in the late 70's. It has always been (in my experience) a rather unattractive building, but maybe there was an older pub there before the Wholesale Markets were rebuilt in the early 70's.

I'm not sure when it dropped the 'Cross' from its name, but by 1998 it was just The Mercat.
When I came back in 2011 I wasn't sure if it was even open, but I still took the photo.
Obviously it is no longer an Ansell's pub, but beyond it's 'oirishification' I can't add much more about it! (Better class of car driving by, though!)

However, as was reported on the Digbeth is Good blog, it is now open for business again as The New Mercat Bar & Grill. I wish them well in the currently difficult climate for pubs.

This is the thirty-first in my 'Birmingham Eastside' series."
Ten years later and, from the outside, very little has changed, but the pub is definitely closed and has been since at least 2018.
As the redevelopment of the Wholesale Markets site progresses this will be demolished and (more) flats/apartments will take it's place in what is now known as the Smithfield Development.

Whilst not one of the more striking examples of Brummie pubs, it is always sad to see their eventual demise!

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